• Vivamus lobortis
  • Ut porttitor urna ut pretium
  • Phasellus convallis tincidunt enim.
Mirka Mora in her Richmond Studio, 2011
Photographer Graham Denholm

Sunday 13 August 2023

3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
William Mora Galleries
60 Tanner Street

A splendid opportunity to view Mirka Mora's studio and the new exhibition (opening 10 August).

In 2000, Mirka left her beloved home in St Kilda. She was seventy-two years old. William Mora, her son and the well-known gallerist, had created a new gallery and living space for his family at 60 Tanner Street, Richmond. There Mirka enjoyed a large, light-filled studio within easy access of her family downstairs.

William Mora, who sadly passed away in April, was a generous supporter of the Mirka project on our website.  Anna Mortley, his partner, has kindly allowed Society members access to both Mirka's upcoming exhibition plus a visit to her home studio. Gloves will be provided to open some of Mirka's books on display.

This is a free, member only event. Places are limited to 10.