Other Names Unknown
Builder Unknown
Owners Peter Davis
Compiled by: Peter Johnson and Sally Moore
Last updated: 17.09.20
St Kilda,Victoria
Australia 3182
Huge mansion replaced with 3x 3 blocks of flats
Other Names Unknown
Builder Unknown
Owners Peter Davis
Compiled by: Peter Johnson and Sally Moore
Last updated: 17.09.20
Huge mansion replaced with 3x 3 blocks of flats
To come
Architect Reed & Barnes
Euro-Reko was built in 1866, as the residence of Peter Davis, a Melbourne councillor and mayor of Melbourne from 1856 to 1857. Without further knowledge it seems likely that the name comes from the aboriginal word Euro-yroke or Youruk referring to the red sandstone which is the substrate for the St Kilda hill area.
Description Polychromatic Lombardic style, with cream and white bricks. Euro-Reko was also the home to an important organ that Peter Davis had commissioned William Hill, London, to build. This organ is now in St Peter’s Lutheran Church, Stowell. The property, including its gardens, took up approximately 13 allotments and was demolished somewhere between 1910 and 1918 so the land could be subdivided.
History Euro-Reko was built in 1866, as the residence of Peter Davis, a Melbourne councillor and mayor of Melbourne from 1856 to 1857. Davis’ company, Peter Davis & Co. owned a 192,000-acre pastoral lease in NSW, called Naradhan East Station. Davis was also the director of the Commercial Bank of Australia and the president of the Fourth Victoria Building Society. After Davis died, his three sons continued to live at the property, with one of them (Alfred Davis, St Kilda councillor) still recorded as living in the house in 1910.
Occupants Peter Davis and sons
MMDB Entry 932
St Kilda Historical Society. (2018, April). St Kilda's Lost Mansions: Euro-Reko 29 Burnett Street, St Kilda. St Kilda Times, (224), 2 - 3. Retrieved from https://stkildahistory.org.au/news-and-events/newsletters