These properties are grouped together as they were all built at the same time with the same design and footprint for A Michie. 158 and 156 are still remarkably intact though 154 has been demolished. .
St Kilda East,Victoria
Australia 3183
These properties are grouped together as they were all built at the same time with the same design and footprint for A Michie. 158 and 156 are still remarkably intact though 154 has been demolished. .
1857 (date of publication) Prahran Parish Maps including Crown allotments of St Kilda. " Waitara' in ownership of T Fulton Mackinnon and F Sargood - Allottments only houses not on this Map.
1855 Kearney Map 4 Ownership A Michie Houses not on this Map
1873 J Vardy Maps St Kilda St Kilda Historical Society database Maps North Ward (NW) sheet 3 N 20 and 21 ownership AS Michie
Houses not on this Map
154 Alma – Built 1885-1890. At time of A Michie's death it was rented to R G Mountain. Later called ‘Highfield’.(Source S&M) LK
156 Alma – Built 1885-1890. At time of A Mcihie's death it was rented to Mrs Howden. In 1900 it was called ‘Boorara’.(Source S&M) LK
158 Alma – Built 1885-1890. At time of A Michie's death it was rented to Mrs Learmonth, mother of Mrs Driffield at 148. When the Learmonths lived there it was called ‘Linden’.(Source S&M)
1899 5 May, p 27. For auction, majestic 16 rm mansion, 158 Alma Rd, East St Kilda, 6 bedr, grand dining rm &c, 1,014 sq m site.Age, 5 June 1999, p G1: 12 rms, including 6 upstairs bedrooms.S&M 1889 vacant [1st listing].
Also: Ownership register from MMDB (Melbourne Mansions Database for 158 Alma Road: TS Note (sic): The easternmost of 3 vacant houses first listed in S&M 1889.S&M 1890, 1891, 1892 Lewellin, Dr Augustus, Alma Rd [nw cnr Hotham St]S&M 1893, 1895 McFarlane, C J, 158 Alma Rd [nw cnr Hotham St]S&M 1900 Learmonth, Mrs G, 158 Alma Rd [nw cnr Hotham St]S&M 1905 Michie, Lady, 158 Alma Rd [nw cnr Hotham St]
To come
Information on Sir Archibald Michie
Information on Sir Archibald Michie buiried in the St Kilda Cemetery and idenrified as having died in 'Tregarie' however the house is wrongly identified as 158 Alma Road.
Information on architects - Peter Johnson
Iinformation on area in general David Helms